Students’ Valentine’s Day Sales Sweet Success

Our Year 11 Business Studies students truly made Valentine’s Day special this year! On February 14th, 2024, they hosted a delightful Valentine’s Day sale, offering homemade boba tea and chocolate fondue-dipped fruits. It was heartwarming to see students enjoying these sweet treats while making healthier choices. 

But that’s not all – the best part? The profits earned from these sales will be donated to charity. What an incredible way to spread love and positivity in our community!

Behind the scenes, our students dedicated about a month to meticulously plan the 4 P’s of marketing: Price, Product, Promotion, and Place. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to apply their Business Studies knowledge to real-life practice, and they absolutely nailed it!

Huge congratulations to both teams: the Chocolicious Team (led by Geethika) and the Ice!Ice!Boba Team (led by Anatasha). Your exceptional leadership, innovation, and dedication have certainly yielded impressive results!

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